I like Rick Santorum a lot, I just disagree with any inference he might have made that somehow women are incapable of serving in the front lines and serving in combat positionsGood old Bob, standing up for the equality of the genders.
Wait, what's that? You're telling me that good old Bob once said this in a college paper:
Lest you try to argue that this work was the result of some all-night undergrad bull session, McDonnell wrote this at the age of 34, while working on his doctorate, after he married and had two daughters.He criticized federal tax credits for child care expenditures because they encouraged women to enter the workforce."Further expenditures would be used to subsidize a dynamic new trend of working women and feminists that is ultimately detrimental to the family by entrenching status-quo of nonparental primary nurture of children," he wrote.He went on to say feminism is among the "real enemies of the traditional family."