Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Honest To god Schmuck: Congressman Joe Walsh

I could easily enter into a discussion about how a politician's political stances affect their constituents, and the moral dimensions of how they wield that power. Indeed, it would be a stretch to say that a leader who would pull a reverse Robin Hood on the economy is a moral leader. But instead, I would like to talk about someone whose picture should occupy the space next to the entry for schmuck  in a Yiddish dictionary for what they've done in their private life: Joe Walsh.
Rep. Walsh, a tea-flavored freshman congressman from Illinois, is divorced and as part of that divorce proceeding, was ordered to pay child support. But the schmuck hasn't:

U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) says he hasn’t paid his court-ordered child support because he and his ex-wife reached a “verbal agreement” three years ago that he could stop paying her child support.
Laura Walsh says her ex-husband, elected to Congress last year as a leading voice of the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party, owed her $117,000 in child support and interest.
In a court filing in December, a month after he was elected, she said he stopped paying child support because, he told her, he didn’t have any money.
The current yearly salary for Congressman is $174,000 (source: TheCapitol.Net). Factoring in attorney fees, that should about cover it.

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