Monday, October 17, 2011

Insane Blogger at Pajamas Media Thinks Occupy Wall Streeters are Nazis

Under the headline "Bizzare neo-swastika reminiscent of 'The Great Dictator' used as power symbol by OWS leaders", they point to this image:

...which is a hashtag. Not realizing this, or just engaging in some incredibly high-level sarcasm, they go on to say that it's just like the fascist symbol worn by Charlie Chaplin in the Great Dictator. Besides the fact that they look nothing alike (pound symbol vs. two sideways X's next to each other), does an association with Charlie Chaplin make anything sinister?
You can tell though just how desperately they want someone to show up with a swastika (though in fairness, if someone had showed up at a Tea Party rally with a noose, all the Huffington Post writers would have climaxed simultaneously).

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