Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This Is What Annoys Me About Fox News

I don't really care, as some do, about the political bias of Fox News. Claiming to be neutral is mildly annoying though. But what really bugs me is their claiming to stand in opposition to the 'mainstream media.' Witness this bit from Megyn Kelly interviewing Matt Block (of that awesome Cain video):
“Were you trying to appeal to, you know, folks who are out there, you know, living their lives, working the farm, working in Detroit, that kind of thing as opposed to the East and West Coast elite, people in media circles who shun smoking and, you know, sort of real American things?” [emphasis added]
Look, Fox News, you have to face that you're part of the media elite. You can't attack 'media circles' while in a TV studio located in a huge building owed by a multi-national media conglomerate. And you certainly can't attack those on the coasts while in front of a huge window looking out onto the middle of Manhattan

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