Monday, November 14, 2011

A Story That Only Politico Could Write

Politico, that Washington-centric naval guazing publication, always stands at the ready to run with the most innane political stories. Will Gray Hairs Doom Obama Presidency? Joe Lieberman Eats Lunch With McCain-Will He Become A Republican?

Today, we have this gem:
Obama has seen his approval ratings dip among virtually every demographic and ideological group of voters — and now he seems in danger of losing their kids, too... 
Back in 2008, 7-year-old Aron Mondschein from Ellington, Conn., wrote a letter to Obama as part of his class’s Flat Stanley project. When he got a response — complete with a picture of Flat Stanley in Obama’s Senate office — he got really excited about the election. 
“I think that it was the excitement that he was running for president, that he is African-American … that was a really big deal for my son; he felt that was important,” said Aron’s mom, Amy Mondschein. Aron, like most of his peers, has since tuned out. 
“If Obama were to set a new law that every boy 10 years old could have Legos, you know, for free, you’d be hearing about it. But right now, he’s kind of into his own things,” his mother said.

Seriously? This crap isn't worth the server space it takes up.

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