Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dick Morris Is A Soulless Whore

It is a strange person who is attracted to inner-beltway politics in Washington. Sure, some are drawn out of idealism and a desire to improve the world. But most are drawn by nothing more complicated than power. That would force most of us mere mortals to compromise our beliefs in the pursuit of that elusive power. For the inner-beltway elite, though, the process is simpler than that. They have no beliefs. No views on what role the government should play in the economy, or the what role the United States should play in the world. They simply nod their heads in agreement to what ever their party says is correct.That is how most get by in this town.

However, there is an elite of this beltway elite. Those clarified few for whom even party poses no hindrance in their pursuit of power. Example par exlelence: Dick Morris, the former President Clinton aide turned Fox News bloated talking head. He has graced us with his opinions on Newt Gingrich. Morris must think that Gingrich has some chance to grasp the ring of power, based on his frankly embarrassing level of ass kissing.
Morris spends no time in laying the flattery on thick:
As the debates accumulate, it becomes more and more evident that Newt Gingrich’s intellect, experience, articulateness and depth of knowledge elevate him to the top of the GOP field. Anyone should be happy to pay admission to watch him duel with President Obama in debate! ... Ever since the campaign started, Newt has always gotten in his own way. Now he has graciously stepped aside and let his creativity and intellect shine through. 
Yes, Newt has a great intellect, except for those moments when he's to stupid to let it shine through. Trenchant analysis there.

Morris also, rightly, points out that once Gingrich gains steam, the media with turn their attention towards his *storied* personal life. Morris inexplicably thinks this will end after a few weeks, and will serve to make him stronger. His example for this?
Obama, on the other hand, survived the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers charges in the primary. When the general election came, they were old hat and had no electoral punch. 
Clearly no one brought up Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers in relation to Obama after the primary, right? 

Dick Morris, October 7, 2008, "The Obama-Ayres Connection":
The records of the administration of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), released last week by the University of Illinois, show that the Ayers-Obama connection was, in fact, an intimate collaboration and that it led to the only executive or administrative experience in Obama’s life...So let’s sum up Obama’s Chicago connections: His chief financial supporter was Tony Rezko, now on his way to federal prison. His spiritual adviser and mentor was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, of “God damn America” fame. And the guy who got him his only administrative job and put him in charge of doling out $50 million is William Ayers, a terrorist who was a domestic Osama bin Laden in his youth.
If a novelist set out to create a fictional version of Dick Morris, he would have to choose a different first name for the character. Calling him 'Dick' would just be lazy.

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