Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Proof That Legal Same Sex Marriage Is The Future Of America

A new Public Policy Poll shows increased support for same sex marriage, in Arizona of all places:
When you look at the age breakdown on this issue you can see where public opinion is headed: 48% of seniors think gay marriage should not be allowed, while only 39% think it should be. But among voters under 30, 57% think it should be legal to only 25% who think it should be illegal... 
72% of voters, including even 59% of Republicans, support some type of legal recognition for same sex couples either in the form of full marriage rights or civil unions.  Just 27% are totally opposed to any kind of recognition [emphasis added]
With numbers like that (and the demographic break down), this game is over. Arizona is of course not exactly the most liberal state in the union, but maybe some of that Goldwate-style libertarianism has stayed with them.

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