Friday, November 4, 2011

Cain Trots Out Henry Kissinger

In what is fast becoming a cliche, a flailing idiotic Republican presidential candidate, clearly ignorant when it comes to matters of foreign policy, wheels out Henry Kissinger for the sake of a photo opp learning experience. How nice of Cain to decide that now is a good time to start learning about foreign policy.
(Via NRO)

Henry Kissinger is so willing to prostitute himself to the powers that be that he would meet with a man who thinks that China is just now trying to get an atomic bomb. If Kissinger had any shame, he wouldn't give Cain the time of day, but that would be asking far to much of a man who also conducted this meeting:
If anything, it's Perry that needs more help:
You know, I have had some great foreign policy conversations with Liz Cheney and with John Bolton, I mean, people who actually understand intimately where these countries are. [emphasis added]

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