Friday, January 13, 2012

Rick Perry Still Can't Name The Three Federal Agencies He Wants To Cut

Via First Read:
During a radio interview this morning, he was asked which federal departments he would shut down. Perry listed: "Three right off the bat: Commerce, Interior, and Energy are the three that you think of." Problem: Those are NOT the three he had previously not been able to name. He swapped Interior for Education. He has not previously said he would eliminate Interior.
There's been a lot of discussion over the reason for Perry not performing at the level many had expected him to. If you can remember back, pundits lauded Perry for his political skills, and insisted that he would be the man to beat Romney. Since that cannon never fired, some have said that Perry was just unused to such a hard race, or was 'not ready for the major leagues.' I think there's a simpler explanation: he's just stupid.

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