Monday, January 23, 2012

Jay Leno's Jokes Are So Bad, One Caused An International Incident

Jay Leno now has several million Sikhs rather angry at him:

India has condemned a comment by US comedian Jay Leno on the holiest Sikh shrine, the Golden Temple of Amritsar.A Leno skit showed the temple as the summer home of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.Mr Romney has faced taxation questions over his huge wealth and many Sikhs are angry the temple has been depicted as a place for the rich.The Sikh community has launched an online petition and an Indian minister called the comments "objectionable".Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi told reporters: "It is quite unfortunate and quite objectionable that such a comment has been made after showing the Golden Temple."Mr Ravi said the Indian embassy would take up the matter with the US state department, the Press Trust of India reported.

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