Friday, October 14, 2011

Just When I Thought I Could Go A Day Without Critizicing Martin Peretz

This man just keeps pulling me in. His most recent collection of words is on the subject of Elizabeth Warren, I think. It rambles a bit. His main point seems to be that he doesn't like her. She, apparently, is an elitist based on the fact that she's a Harvard professor. For the record, Peretz used to be an assistant professor there. And combined with his former editorship of The New Republic, Peretz has permanent membership in the elite.

He also says this of Warren:
Actually, Warren is a perfectly presentable woman, pleasant looking and handsomely dressed. She might not be noticed on the campus. But almost no one is noticed at 62 in these parts ’cept young ’uns. Or the nearly hundred year-old Sam Beer who daily sauntered quickly down Brattle Street to get to his office at Littauer. Except he’s dead now.
Aside from the words: "no one is noticed at 62 in these parts ’cept young ’uns" making no sense, this is just ridiculous.  Look Marty, I know you're new to the whole gay thing, but we don't actually spend out time bitching about women, much as lesbians don't go around saying how much men suck (all the time, at least). You should really drop the bitchiness, it's unbecoming a former Harvard professor.

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