Tuesday, September 27, 2011

NY Magazine and Salon Publish (Almost) Identical Article At Same Time

Well this is embarrassing. The editors at both New York magazine and the War Room blog at Salon decided to write articles focusing on things about Chris Christie that the Republican base won't like. That in and of itself is not that terribly original, but when you make nearly identical bullet pointed lists, you start running into trouble.

From Steve Kornacki at Salon, 8:30 AM, the four main Christie diversions from party orthodoxy:
Immigration, gun control, abortion and Muslims
From Dan Amira at New York, second to the punch at 8:35 AM:
Illegal immigration, gun control, climate change, race to the top, Muslims 
This is not a case of plagiarism, clearly. Dan Amira could not have written a 1,200 word article in five minutes. But it is a clear example that when they want to be, political reporters can really be on the same page.

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