Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why Is The DC Metro System So Screwed Up?

Two current Metro employees and one former employee were arrested for theft. That's not the important part. This is:

The complaint alleges that the former supervisor, Mr. Atanga, provided the two employees – both customer information specialists – pay for hours that were not worked in Metro's Office of Customer Service. Following the arrests, the two current employees were placed on paid administrative leave [emphasis added] pending the outcome of an administrative investigation, as provided for in Metro's collective bargaining agreement.
Are they trying to make everyone in this city hate them? Two current employees get arrested because they were grossly exaggerating the time they worked, and Metro continues to pay them as they sit in jail. I do not try to sound like some cranky guy sitting on his porch complaining about workers today, but this is really just ridiculous. I can see why their union would push for paid administrative leave while an investigation was being conducted. But to still be paid after being arrested for stealing money through your paycheck, well, the mind boggles. 

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